Tuesday 22 April 2008

Cotton Wool syndrome

Dont ever understimate the devistating effect of an over protecting mother.

Mothers beware, choose a balance, an over protecting mother is something to be hated. She wouldnt let her me of her sight and although the school was 50 yards up the street, I couldnt go there alone until I was embarassingly old. That story comes later though.

She had an obsession with knitwear, maybe because it was the only job she ever held down at the pringle factory in her entire miserable life. She hasnt worked a day since she met my dad, who is a different kettle of fish altogether but more on him later too.

If she ever called me "wee lamb" again, i think i might stab her in the eye with the blunt end of a spoon.

I even hated women for a while until I met Mags and understood how a mother should be. But thats to come much much later, theres so much to tell.

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