Saturday, 26 April 2008

Staying at Hawick

I seem to remember being packed away to my grandmothers house around this age. She stayed in the top flat of a large mansion house that had been divided up into apartments a long time ago. At one point she had owned the mansion house and all the surrounding land including outhouses and pasture, but as the depression took its toll it was all sold off.

Imagine being a small child and driving up the stone chip drive way, entering the flat door at ground level and having to climb the two flights of stairs past imposing stained glass windows until your reached the respective front door.

She owned the entire top floor and as soon as you went throught her entrance door, you were faced with a large wooden landing, about the size of my current living room. A winding staircase took you up to the apartment, a top landing if you like.

It had five bedrooms, a livingroom, a kitchen with an old Aga, a tower room and a bathroom. It also had the longest darkest hallway you have ever seen. I can only liken it to the bates mansion or the shining.

The only heating came from the coal fire in the livingroom and all the other rooms were massive.

It would make a great development opportunity now and my mad uncle still stays there to this day, granmother having long since passed away.

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